Box Beam Mantel Installation Instructions
The instructions below are for mounting your new box beam mantel onto drywall. Although a Box Beam Mantel can be installed by the homeowner, we recommend hiring a contractor or experienced handyman for the best results. (Mounting a mantel onto masonry will require different tools and hardware not specified here.)
You’ll be building a mounting box from two 2"x4"* (or two 2”x6” **) lumber pieces and then attaching them to the wall. Your mantel will fit over the mounting box.
*6”H Box Beam Mantels will require a mounting box built from 2”x4”s
**8”H Box Beam Mantels will require a mounting box built from 2”x6”s

Drill and bit
Two 2”x4” or 2”x6” lumber pieces (see above) cut to fit the inside length of the mantel.
Tape measure
4-inch screws (approximately 10+)
Stud finder, if needed; (for safety and stability, we recommend screwing into a stud)
100-pound wall toggle bolts (Optional: If not installed into studs, a minimum of 100-pound wall toggle bolts is strongly suggested)
Determine the level placement of your mantel. (Remember, your box mantel will slide onto the mounting box, so be aware of the extra height the mantel will add.)
Measure the inside of the mantel and cut both 2"x4" or 2”x6” lumber pieces to size.
With a pencil and stud finder (if using), locate the studs and mark where you will be drilling holes for attaching the 1st 2"x4" or 2”x6” lumber piece to the wall.
With screws, attach the 1st lumber piece to the wall into as many studs as possible.
Create a 4”x4” or 4”x6” mounting box by carefully lining up the 2nd lumber piece on top of the 1st lumber piece. Attach the 2nd lumber piece with screws.
Slide the mantel onto the mounting box making sure the mantel fits snugly against the wall.
Attach the mantel to the mounting box by drilling screws (middle, left, and right) through the top side of the mantel just in front of the wall.
Take a step back and admire the beauty of your new box beam mantel!
We hope you love your new mantel and the rustic beauty it adds to your home. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us!