7 Basic Table Manners for Kids

Following up on my previous article on the value of families eating together, I believe having well-mannered children lend to a pleasant bonding experience around meals.
Whether the setting was in a restaurant or in my own home, I’ve witnessed miserable dining practices and have wondered why much of our culture has stepped away from teaching basic table etiquette. I honestly believe a lot of it is because the adults weren’t taught themselves; therefore, the behavior isn’t modeled.
Here are a few basic manners I learned as a child and passed on to my own kids:

Come to the table with a clean face and hands.
Wait until everyone is seated and served before eating.

Never chew food with your mouth open.
(Be sure to talk only after you’ve chewed and swallowed.)
Practice waiting your turn to speak until the other person is finished...
(and be willing to chat about your day.)

Take small bites of food and chew thoroughly instead of stuffing your mouth.
Try really hard to not slurp or burp at the table.
(If you do, don’t forget to say, "Excuse me." )

Remember to say "Thank You" to whoever prepared and served your food.
Just in time for the upcoming holiday season! Want more tips for your home? Browse our blogs for more tips and inspiration!